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What Happens When You Die Without a Will in Florida?

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Many families wonder what happens if someone dies without making a will. When this occurs, the state's laws decide what happens to their belongings instead of their own wishes.


For example, if someone living in Florida dies without a will, Florida's laws take over to decide how their things will be shared out.


When there's no will, these laws create a list of who gets what, usually starting with spouses and children, and then moving on to other family members if there are no immediate ones. This is meant to make sure everything is shared fairly.


It's important to know that when someone dies without a will, things can get complicated, and the results might not match what they wanted. Without a will, they lose the chance to say who should get their things.

But through something called estate planning, people can say exactly how they want their belongings to be shared. This protects their things, helps their loved ones, and shapes what they leave behind for future generations. Estate planning also helps avoid fights among family members by making intentions clear, making it easier for things to be passed on smoothly.


Estate planning isn't a one-time thing; it should

change as life changes. It's important to review and update plans regularly to make sure they still match what's happening in life and the law.


Get Our Free Probate Planning Checklist


If you're unsure where to start with estate planning, our simple checklist can help. We know estate planning can be overwhelming, so we made a one-page guide to help you understand the basics and take the important steps.


Talk to an Estate Planning Lawyer


Can’t decide or don’t have the time to research?  Here at Florida Probate Care, we have an extensive list of attorney referrals who specialize in probate.  We do not charge a fee for our services. 


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